Objection Handling

“We’ve never been burglarized before."
There are ONLY two times people buy a security system... before something happens or after! Far too many people wait for something to happen before they take security seriously. I hear all the time from people that I speak with that their neighborhood is safe, or gated, or I have a dog, etc. None of that helps if you have a fire, or if you are out of town. Security monitoring is like insurance you buy auto insurance just in case you have an accident. You hope you never need it, but you know if it happens you are going to be taken care of.

“I don’t think we need a system.”
Wouldn’t you agree that it would be wise to have our service and never need it, rather than to need it just once and not have it? People don't take security seriously and criminals know it. Even if you feel comfortable have you ever sat down with the other people in your household and talked to them about how safe they feel? You have to decide how much piece of mind is worth to you and to your family members. But we offer protection way beyond just theft we also offer fire & carbon monoxide detection, home health monitoring, etc.

"Someone is always home."
All the time, Really??? Oh, I see, most of the time. There is only one thing worse than having a break-in when you are NOT home and that is to have a break-in when you are.” Crime doesn't just strike when you are away. More and more criminals are involved in home invasion robberies. Crimes against homeowners are on the rise.

"We have neighborhood crime watch."
“Great! A Neighborhood crime watch program is highly recommended and valuable, but your neighbors are not always at home to watch out for you. It just can't take the place of a 24 hour monitored security and fire system.” “National statistics show us that the average burglar spends less than three minutes in your home. Where is the burglar by the time your neighbor calls 911 and provides them with details of where the burglary is in process? And if, God forbid, there is fire in your home, by the time your neighbors see the smoke, it could be too late to save it!

"We have insurance."
I am not here to just help protect your TV, stereo, or VCR. Those items can be replaced and that’s why you have insurance. I am here to provide you with the opportunity to help protect those things that cannot ever be replaced...you and your family.

"We’re not ready to make a decision."
Let me ask you this question. Have you and your spouse been talking about a security system? If it were up to you would you be interested? (YES) Great when will they be home? I'll call you back at that time. There are only two times when people buy a security system, before or after they are broken into. Now if you call me the day after you were burglarized and all that happened was someone got away with your TV or VCR, that’s not much of a loss, is it? However if something happened to your family, that’s a different story. When do you think is the best time to provide 24-hour protection for your home and family? -NOW OR AFTER A BREAK-IN OR FIRE?

"We have burglar bars."
Great! I can already tell that you are very security minded, or you would have never had those bars installed. They are a deterrent, but they do not notify the authorities.” “You know, it’s a mixed up world we live in . . . criminals belong behind bars, not innocent homeowners. You live behind bars and the criminals are loose! Don’t you think it should be the other way around?” “One of the problems burglar bars present are in case of a home fire. You could actually be trapped in the home by the bars that are "keeping you safe." Security should be designed to help save your life, not to hinder your escape, wouldn’t you agree?”

"We don’t have anything worth stealing."
I’m not here to just protect your home from theft. I am here to provide you with the opportunity to help protect those things that can never be replaced . . . you and your family. National statistics continue to indicate that crimes against persons are on the rise. Many of those crimes happen in your own home.

"We have deadbolts."
Great, I believe everyone should have deadbolt locks. But you see it is not the lock that breaks; it is the half-inch pine doorjamb that is easily broken with one solid kick or with a crowbar. No matter how many dead bolts you have, a burglar can kick your door in and close it right behind him and no one on the outside will know anyone is inside because all the broken wood is on the inside. Have you ever heard the term "Lock Bumping?" This is a well known way criminals can access your house using a key that has been cut in such a way that it can defeat all but just a few very high end door locks. If you had a monitoring service as soon as they got inside the alarm would sound and scare them off. Additionally, the ADT monitoring station would call you and dispatch the police. That's a lot more protection than a lock.

"I have a dog."
Don't worry, we protect dogs too! I love dogs too; however the truth of the matter is that a dog does not deter a burglar. Criminals know how to handle an animal, even one that is protective. (If you know something about dogs, you should have a short discussion on that subject.) Because of threat of fire and possible medical emergencies, what most people like you are now doing is supplementing their protection beyond their dog, while at the same time protecting their beloved dog(s) from the horrors of getting hurt in a fire. They like the fact that there is a minimal investment for the installation, and they need to budget a little more than one dollar per day for the monitoring fee. Consider the following: • What happens if there is no one home when the intruder breaks into your home?

• Intruders love to hear a dog barking because this tips them off that there is no one at home. (Many dogs do not bark when their owners are at home.)

• Intruders could break a hole in the glass sufficiently large enough for the dog to partially fit through and releasing your pet outside to run away, or your pet could be injured from the glass.

• Some intruders toss the dog poisoned food to silence them.

• Pepper spray can be used to hurt the dog(s).

• Dogs are usually a part of the family and need protection just like other family members.

• What happens if there is no one at home with your pet when a fire breaks out?

• Dogs cannot dial 911 to summon help.

"I have a gun."
Great! You're going to love our system. It tells you when and where they are breaking in so you can go shoot them!! But hey when you're not around, were going to protect your family just like you would if you were there. (If you know something about guns you should have a short discussion on that subject.) That's great but as you know a gun is only useful if you're home at the time, and if it is accessible it could also be used against you or a family member. We always recommend that you keep your guns locked in a gun safe. Remember a gun does not protect you from a fire, or if you are not at home to use it. That is why most people like you, are now supplementing their guns with a security system. They like the fact that there is only a minimal investment to get it installed and they get the same peace of mind knowing their house and loved ones are protected 24x7. When handling this objection also consider the following:

• What happens if there is no one home when the intruder breaks into your home?

• An intruder can steal your weapon. Many stolen guns that have been used in the commission of a crime have been stolen from a home. Do you use a gun safe? How quickly could you get to it in an emergency?

• The criminal can use your weapon to commit a crime outside your home, for which you could be held responsible.

• He has free access to your expensive gun collection (if you own one). This is one of the first things an intruder looks for.

• Is everyone in the house trained on the proper use of a weapon? Would they really feel comfortable using it in a high stressed emergency situation?

• Many homeowners are actually injured with their own gun in burglaries.

• Major negative psychological damage can be done to family members who witness a shooting either by a family member or an intruder.

• What happens if there is a fire in your home and there is no one there to respond? The fire can do considerable damage to your home before a neighbor will see it and call the fire department.

"Spouse Not Home"
Let me ask you this. Have you and your spouse been talking about a home security system?...(yes)... Ok then, if the decision was just up to you, is this something that you'd be interested in?....(Yes).... Great when will they be home, I’ll plan on giving you a call back then. 

Rechargeable Backup Battery

Because normal household current powers security systems, we also include a rechargeable backup battery that can provide power during a power outage, and a battery charger that can recharge the battery once power is restored.

These provide you peace of mind by providing you protection even if the power goes out.

Telephone Line Connection/Phone/VOIP
One of the most important aspects of any security system is the ability to be monitored so that when something happens, the proper authorities are alerted.

In order to do this, the system requires a telephone interface device. This is the connection from the main alarm control panel to the main phone line so that the system can send signals to the ADT Customer Monitoring Center.

The great thing about this is that if your phone line is in use by you or even your computer, this device seizes the phone line, clears the line and transmits the signal to ADT where ADT dispatches the proper authorities.

NOTE: VOIP (Internet based phone providers) are typically NOT sufficient for Alarm signal technology.

Although telephone service is the primary means for alarm communication, it is possible to transmit alarm traffic via ADT’s cellular solution called. "Cellular Package"

Interior Siren
We also include an interior siren that can sound a loud alarm when the system has been activated.

This is normally placed in a central location within your home, so that in the event of a fire emergency or an attempted intrusion, you and your family can be alerted and intruders deterred.

Keypad / Touchpad
To operate your system, you will require at least one keypad. This is the most visible and most frequently used device on your system.

It allows you to turn your system on and off. In addition, the keypad also allows you to fully control any other feature or function of your security system.

Keypads are normally installed next to the entry/exit door. When the system is ready (all protected openings are closed) you can enter your 4-digit code and arm the system.

- The system has an exit delay time of 60 seconds.

- A return home delay of 30 seconds to enter your code and disarm the system.

- Entry and exit delay times are programmable so they can be customized to meet your needs.

Generally, all other security devices are instant, meaning that if a door not on the delay zone is opened, the system goes into immediate alarm.

- Additional User Codes - up to 32 individual user codes can be programmed into the system.

- Six or Eight Zones - system is divided into zones identifying alarms and making troubleshooting easier. This also allows the system to have different response functions. i.e. delay zone, interior zone, perimeter zone, fire zone or to monitor environmental conditions.

- Hostage/Duress Code - allows the user to disarm the system with a special code that will silently alert the monitoring center.

- Panic Buttons - police, fire, and medical emergency

- Memory retention – retains codes when power is lost, retains programming, and keeps a log of the last 32 events (alarms, codes used}

- Door Chimes - Causes the system to "Chime" when a protected door or window is opened. Great feature if customer has small kids or teenagers.

The keypad is normally located at the entry/exit door and/or in the master bedroom. The bedroom location makes the panic buttons easily accessible and helps identify the type and location of alarms at night.

Also, if the keypad is placed in the master bedroom or a hallway near the master bedroom the motion detector can be used at night. Otherwise the motion detector will normally have to be by-passed at night.

Motion Detectors
Motion Detectors are the most commonly used means of interior protection. Motion Detectors are used to create a “trap” zone within the residence or business. The alarm is activated whenever someone passes through the “trap” zone.

- Motion Detectors can be set with a pet sensitivity for animals between 45-80lbs.

- Passive Infrared Detectors (PIR) are the most widely used type of motion detector. PIRs receive the radiated heat by objects in their field of view. They are designed to sense a change in this energy. A moving person creates such a change, which may be warmer or cooler than the viewed background.

Glass Break Detectors Idea for homes with large pets or cats that jump where a motion detector may be less effective.
Glass Break Detectors are designed to detect glass breakage up to 25 feet away.
They may be mounted on the opposite wall, adjacent wall, or on the ceiling over the protected windows.

Today’s technology ensures that all of the common types of breaking glass are detected: plate, laminated, wired or tempered.

Glass Break Detectors are normally armed with the perimeter devices and can be armed with people in the home.  

Smoke / Fire Detectors
This device is a professionally installed and monitored smoke detector. You may have non-monitored smoke detectors installed in your home now, but what happens when you aren’t home?

No one hears them, do they? And your house could be destroyed before anyone ever knew your house was on fire.

You see, we realize that fire is the worst thief of all. It has no mercy. It takes everything. And out of respect and concern for your family, we recommend that smoke detectors be installed on all of our systems.

When a signal from a smoke detector is received at the ADT monitoring center, ADT can dispatch the proper authorities, thereby reducing the possibility of loss-of-life and the amount of potential structural damage caused by fires.

All residential fire alarm systems are installed in accordance with NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)


The Survey/Walk-Through of the Home
Our security professional will start at one point in the residence and work our way methodically through the entire home — inside and out.
• They may start with a simple sketch of your homes floor plan.

• For burglary protection purposes, every aspect of the home needs to be examined.

• For fire and other emergencies, we need to have specific fire hazard areas of the home in mind and visit them (i.e., the kitchen, garage, basement, bedrooms, etc).

• At each point, we will discuss with you any questions you have, point out any areas of concern and discuss options with you on how to best mitigate them, including the use of specific equipment in that area.

• We want to make sure you select a system which gives the best protection based on your specific needs.

- Over 90% of break-ins involve a door. You’ll understand why we feel that every outside door should be protected.
- Doors (Metal or wood) can be easily breached by kicking them in or prying them open with a crowbar.
- No matter what type locks you are using, only a thin layer of wood is holding that lock. (the door jam)
- Sliding glass doors can be lifted out of their track without ever opening them.
- Doors with glass in them can be easily broken, then the burgaler only has to reach inside and unlock the door.
- No matter how a thief comes in, the first thing he usually does upon entering is to go to a side or rear door and open it. this provides him with an escape route.

Finally, when they leave the home, they will leave by a door rather than a window, regardless of how entry was made.

Fire Protection
Fire authorities also recommend a minimum of one smoke detector on every level of the home.

• The #1 cause of fire (other than accidental) is electrical.

• 44% of all fires start in the kitchen, from the stove, microwave or coffee pot, etc.

• You would not install a smoke detector here because you would not want the fire department here every time you accidentally burned some food.

However, you do need something. That is why we recommend a heat detector here. The way it works is if the temperature in the room changes 10 degrees in a minute or hits a temperature of 135 degrees, the detector goes off.

It is not a smoke detector, you don’t have false alarms. Does that make sense?

Garage Doors
Since we’re interested in keeping the intruder out of the living area, you can accomplish this by protecting the inside door that leads to the house.

Shrubs / Bushes
High or thick shrubs can really hide some windows. An intruder could hide behind the shrubs and then come in through a window without being noticed from the street.

Therefore, our experience tells us that protection should be considered for these windows.  

Windows can be individually protected (recommended) or based on the location may be protected with the use of a motion detector.

Even windows on the 2nd story of a home can be used as entry points. Unreachable under normal conditions, we will evaluate tree, rooftop, air conditioner, ledge, or whatever feature makes the window vulnerable. Also many people leave ladders out in a shed or on the side of a house that makes the 2nd story window easy to reach.

Door/Window Contacts
Door/Window Contacts are attached in such a manner that opening the door or window removes a magnet from the contact mounted on the frame, causing a change in the contact switch, interrupting a circuit current flow and causing an alarm.

Contacts can also be installed on interior doors, so that for example, if an intruder gains entry to a home through an unprotected opening and opens the master bedroom door, it trips the alarm.

Interior contacts can be installed on office doors, cabinet doors, safes, etc.

Glass Break Detectors
Glass Break Detectors are designed to detect glass breakage up to 25 feet away.

They may be mounted on the opposite wall, adjacent wall, or on the ceiling over the protected windows.

Today’s technology ensures that all of the common types of breaking glass are detected: plate, laminated, wired or tempered.

Glass Break Detectors are normally armed with the perimeter devices and can be armed with people in the home.

This is an ideal solution for people with large pets or cats that jump where a motion detector may not be as effective.

Cell / Long Range Radio Transmission
Long Range Radio Transmission>>Long Range Radio Transmission: With radio transmission a radio transmitter is installed in the customer's premise so that if the alarm is tripped, the transmitter sends a signal to the monitoring station's radio receiver.

The radio receiver then decodes the alarm signal and sends it on to the monitoring computer. The obvious advantage of this type of transmission is total independence from the telephone lines.

If a phone line is cut, the radio can still notify the central station.

Cellular Backup System
Cellular Backup System: Cellular backup, provides a superior back up for the customer’s system. Basically, you have a cell phone that is dedicated to the system just in case the signal is not allowed to go out over normal telephone lines.
If the wires are cut, the system switches to the cellular backup and is transmitted directly to the monitoring facility. There is a one-time charge for the equipment and an additional monthly monitoring charge for the cellular backup.

ADT Guarantees:

ADT's Guarantees At ADT, we don't just tell you how safe, reliable and useful our products are — we guarantee it!

Theft Protection Guarantee: Pays your insurance deductible (up to $500) in the event of a burglary, while your alarm system is armed.*

ADT Money-Back Service Guarantee Refunds the system installation prices and pays all monitoring fees after we have attempted to resolve your concerns if you are not satisfied within six months of installation. – Hassle-Free.*

Mover’s Security Guarantee Moving? If you move from your home more than two years after becoming an ADT customer, ADT will provide you with our special Premium Mover’s Package. This package includes a FREE ADT Security System for your new home PLUS an additional 10% discount on upgrades! (A value of up to $749!)**

Homeowner’s Insurance Certificate May save you up to 20% on your homeowner’s insurance.*

* Certain restrictions apply. See reverse side of actual ADT Guarantee certificate for complete details.

** To qualify for the Movers Security Guarantee, you must have been with ADT for at least two years and your ADT account must be in good standing. You must also provide ADT with the name and telephone number of the new occupant of your former residence. Discount does not apply to purchase of the Safewatch ® Family package of the Safewatch ® Premier package in your new home. This discount cannot be combined with any other offers and is valid for residential customers only.

Demo/Home Alarm System Demo/Home Security Advisor Demo  
Demo>> Click here for ADT Home Alarm System Demo
Click here for Home Security Advisor Demo

Home Security & Safety Tips/Safety/Security/Tips

Security In Your Home:
- Have lights in all entrances.

- Have good locks (deadbolt) on all doors and windows.

- Use timers to turn lights and radios on when you are not home (noise is a great security enhancement). Stop mail and newspaper delivery when you are out of town.

- Do not use your first name on your mailbox or in the phone directory – use your first initial. Don’t use a message on your answering machine that says you’re away from home or on vacation, etc.

- Know which of your neighbors you can trust in an emergency.

- Check who is at the door before opening it, and do not open the door to an unexpected visitor. Do not let strangers into your home to use the phone. Offer to make the call for them.

- Don't hide extra keys in easily accessible places. Criminals will find them.

- Never give personal information to telephone solicitors.

Click here for More Home Security & Safety Tips

False Alarms
False alarms not only have a negative impact on you, but they also impact ADT, and even your community. False alarms can: - Cost you hundreds of dollars

- Create dissatisfaction with your security service

- Put unnecessary demands on your community police and fire protection resources

- Waste your time and interfere with your busy life

What causes false alarms? A number of things. Most frequently:

- User Error
- Cleaning staff, service people, babysitters, etc. 
-  Family members or friends who have not been properly trained in its use.
- Users who forgot the alarm code.
- Faulty equipment or design
- Acts of nature or property vandalism
Learn more about false alarms and what causes them, check out these basic Questions About False Alarms. How to Reduce False Alarms

Though you can't do anything to prevent an act of nature, such as a storm, or prevent intruders from damaging your system, you can choose ADT to ensure you have a system that is properly chosen and designed for your home and needs.

In addition, there are a few steps you can take to minimize the false alarm potential for your system:

- Be sure the entire family is familiar with the operation of the system equipment.
- Keep a simple instruction sheet for the operation of your system handy.
- Test the system at least once a month.
- Report any faulty operation to ADT immediately.
- Keep your password and account information in a safe place the whole family has access to in case of an alarm.
- Report any changes in your setup, passwords, phone number, or home layout to ADT.
- Securely close and lock all doors and windows prior to arming your home security system.

Use these simple tips to help prevent false alarms. It will save time, money, and community resources — plus enhance the level of your home security. Be sure to read and review the False Alarm Prevention Checklist.

ADT/Why ADT/Technology/Monitoring

Advance Technology. 24 Hour Protection.

ADT's Five Customer Monitoring Centers help protect the people and things you value most, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We form a comprehensive network of interconnected command centers strategically located throughout the United States, giving ADT the ability to effectively offer continuous home security alarm monitoring. This state of the art communication technology is just one of the reasons why ADT is the #1 security company in America.

How ADT Alarm Monitoring Service Works.
When an alarm signal is received from your home or business, an ADT professional can alert both you and the police, fire department or emergency personnel right away. So, whether you’re there or away, you have protection, which acts like an invisible blanket around the people and things that value most to you.

With ADT, You're Always Connected.
At ADT, we have a comprehensive network of dedicated Customer Monitoring Centers backed by powerful equipment and trained professionals. So if connections to a home security alarm monitoring center are interrupted, one of our other centers takes over promptly, giving us the ability to offer continuous security through our advanced alarm monitoring service and ultimately providing you with peace of mind.

When We Say We're Always There - We Really Mean It.
All of our Customer Monitoring Centers are supported by multi-tiered disaster preparedness procedures. So each can operate at optimal levels under a variety of adverse conditions. Home security alarm monitoring professionals have the support of powerful computers and secure communications links with multiple backup systems. Which means you can always rely on ADT in an emergency.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Carbon Monoxide Detectors & Safety Unlike fire and burglary, carbon monoxide can be an invisible, almost undetectable threat to your family and home.

If you live in a home with gas logs, hot tub, or other gas-enabled appliances or have an attached garage — you need to be aware of this threat. Carbon monoxide is invisible and odorless and causes symptoms — fatigue, nausea, headache, dizziness —that may be confused with flu or other symptoms.

Every year, more than 200 Americans die from carbon monoxide poisoning and another 5,000 need hospital treatment. The very young and old, pregnant women, unborn babies, and people with heart and respiratory problems are especially vulnerable. Listed below are some helpful tips to safeguard your family and home from this harmful gas.
- Any fuel-burning appliance can emit carbon monoxide gas, so be sure such appliances are vented directly to the outside and keep fresh air circulating in your home.

- Have your heating system checked for carbon monoxide emissions before the heating season begins and consider installing a carbon monoxide detector.

- Check your kitchen range, fireplaces and water heater for carbon monoxide emissions periodically.

- If you have a wood-burning fireplace, have the chimney cleaned and inspected every year, crack a window or door slightly to allow proper airflow, and keep the damper open until the fire is completely out.

- Never run your car engine for more than a few moments in a garage or other enclosed area, even if the door is open.

Crime Stats/burglary/Statistics

Fire - The average loss in a fire is over $25,000.

Burglary - On average, a burglary results in a dollar loss of about $1,600.

- A burglary occurs approximately every 15 seconds in the United States.

- This year, one in six homes will be burglarized.

- Burglars will spend no longer than 1 minute to break into a home.

- 66 percent of all burglaries are residential.

- 62 percent occur during the daytime between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., when no one is likely to be at home.

- Nearly 85 percent of all burglaries occur in large metro areas.

- Only 13 percent of reported burglaries are solved, or "cleared," by the police.

- Only about 15 percent of property stolen in burglaries is recovered by the police

- Homes without security systems are two to three times more likely to be broken into.

- About 30 percent of all burglaries are classified as "unlawful entry," meaning the burglar was able to gain entry without using force — often through an unlocked door or window.

- The highest percentage of burglaries occur during the summer months of July and August, when many people are away from their homes on vacation, or have left windows open for ventilation.


36-months/24-months/Monitoring/California/CAL/ Contract Termination/Cancelation/Cancel

Monitoring Contract / Termination>>All Paperwork must be signed by the person the credit check was performed on or a spouse with the SAME Last Name

All states with the exception of California require a 36-month monitoring contract.

California residents by law are require to sign only a 24-month contract.

Early Contract Termination: For 3-year contracts 75% of the remaining ballance will be charged.

For 2-year contracts (California) if the customer cancels in the first year they will be charged $450.00, if they cancel in the second year they will be charged $200.00.

PIC/Personal Identification Code/Password

The PIC (Personal Identification Code) is the word, number or combination of letters and number that you the homeowner come up with in case of an alarm.

Code Requirements
Min 5 characters
Max 10 characters
Letters and / or Numbers
No Special Characters or Punctuation
No non-traditional spelling

When the ADT representative calls you, you can provide this information to them and cancel the alarm.

Your PIC can be changed at anytime by calling ADT or going to www.myadt.com.

Packages/Monitoring Packages

Monitoring Packages>>BASIC Package
$35.99 Monthly Monitoring
$99.00 Installation Fee Monitors your home 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for burglary plus panic buttons for Fire, Police, and Medical.

Includes Talking Wireless Keypad & Master Control Panel 3 Perimeter Sensors Pet Immune Motion Detector Siren Yard Sign & Window Decals Quality Service Plan Telephone Connection Required Battery Backup Power Supply Homeowners Insurance Discount Certificate User's Manual

TOTAL Package Two-Way Voice
$40.99 Monthly Monitoring
$99.00 Installation Fee

Includes everything in the BASIC Packake (Plus Two-Way Voice) Requires Land line based home telephone

$44.99 Monthly Monitoring
$99.00 Installation Fee

Includes everything in the BASIC Packake......
For today’s homeowner who has chosen digital or VOIP phones, or for the homeowner that has decided to use wireless phones only, the Cellular Primary Package allows you to experience the same 24/7 Home Protection without the necessity of a traditional phone service. Two-way voice is not an option with this package

Pulse Package
$49.99 Monthly Monitoring
$199.00 Installation Fee
See details on intranet site


Remote Key Chain / Keyfob>>Keychain remote with Arm, Disarm, Stay, Panic capability.

Qualifying/Questions/open ended/rapport/relationship building

Good Qualifying Questions

Tell me a little about your family and your lifestyle.

Why are you interested in a security system today?

Do you have any children? What are their names and ages?

- Have you checked the national sex offender’s registry for your area?

- Do you have a carbon monoxide detector in your home? Wow how do you sleep?

Ok let me ask you this:
1. If you had 100 burglaries how many injuries do you think there would be? (Maybe 1)

2. If you had 100 fires how many injuries do you think there would there be? (a few)

3. If there were 100 cases of Carbon Monoxide poisoning, how many injuries do you think there be? (Answer 100, and probably many deaths) Have you (or anyone you know) ever been the victim of a burglary? (Yes) Was anyone hurt?

Have you (or anyone you know) ever had a fire? Was anyone hurt?

5 channels of protection/Offer

5 Channels of Protection>>- Burglary

- 24x7 Police Emergency

- 24x7 Medical Emergency

- 24x7 Fire Monitoring

- Exit/Entry alert(Access Alert)Chimes

Close/closing statements

Isn't that the sort of protection that you would want? (Yes) OK we do installations in the mornings and in the afternoons which works best for you?

When the customer is not interested and is about to hang up.........
Hey before I let you go, how much more does your insurance agent charge you for not having a home security system?  (Usually between 10%-20%, they must know something.)

QSP/Quality Service Plan

ADT offers a Life Time Guarantee Warranty Protection Plan for equipment and installation issues. (New and takeover systems) You pay only a small $25.00 Trip fee for the technician to come out to your home and fix any issues.

Without the QSP the trip fee could be as much as $85.00 and $80.00 per hour.

The first 90-days are covered by the ADT installer (Dealer) After that ADT warranties the equipment for life.

Bill/Invoice/First Month

1st Months Bill>>The first months bill will be a combination of the current month pro-rated based on the activation date plus one complete month.

The $99.00 activation fee is collected at the time of installation.

Installation Fee

A (min) $99.00 installation fee is charged to all customers at the time of activation (199.00 for Pulse). This covers the professional installation of the system, testing, consumer training, and activation of the monitoring. With a take over system it covers testing and replacing non-functional equipment, (up to package max) and activation of the monitoring.

Credit Scores

A Credit Check is performed on each customer is valid for 60-days from the date it was run. After that the credit will need to be re-run.

A minimum score of 525 is required to qualify for ADT monitoring.

If a Dealer participates in the Low Credit Program they typically can take scores of 525-599.  600 and up are considered Good Scores.

ADT uses Equifax to conduct their credit checks.

If the customer has a Credit Freeze and does not have the PIN number they need to Call 888-298-0045 to get the PIN number.

If the customer would like to contact Equifax to have a credit report sent to them the number is 800-685-1111.

Credit Code Explanations:NCH - No Credit History
NRF - No Record Found
VFY - Verify
DER - Derogatory Credit History
MUL - Multiple Files
DEC - Deceased
CNR - Can Not Run
FVA - Fraud Victim Alert
EFX - Equifax is Reviewing Account Please wait 96 hours.
DUP - Score Posted by VRU/another Dealer - Unable to re-run credit, call ADT

Contact Information

ADS: Customer Call Back Number 866-373-7512 + your ext.
Main ADS IVR Number: (866) 444-8491
ADS Web Site:www.homesecurityteam.com
ADS Customer Service Internal Transfer Number: 5162

ADT Contact Numbers
Sales: 1-866-746-7238 (Customers with Existing Contracts) Customer Service: 1-888-ADT-ASAP (1-800-238-2727) (Customers with Systems Problems)

If a renter would like to install a security system ask to three-way call the landlord, or have them call back with the landlord on the line. Your goal is to sell the system to the landlord not the renter.

The landlord can add the monitoring fee to the tenants rent, it protects his property from Fire as well as other damage, not just the renter he has in the unit.

The property owner must sign the contract and be responsible for the bill.

If you move from your home more than two years after becoming an ADT customer, ADT will provide you with our special Premium Mover’s Package. This package includes a FREE ADT Security System for your new home PLUS an additional 10% discount on upgrades! (A value of up to $749!)** Call ADT for more Info:
Sales: 1-866-746-7238
Customer Service: 1-888-ADT-ASAP (1-800-238-2727)

Take Over Account
If a customer is not in a contract but has moved to a home that has a security system installed you are able to process a new order. (take over account)

ADT will try to use any of the equipment that is there, they will validate that each piece of equipment it is working, test the system, make sure that the signals are received at the ADT monitoring center, and warranty it as long as you remain a customer.

Medical Monitoring

Home Security isn’t just about helping to protect your home from outside intruders — it’s also about protecting yourself while you’re inside. Along with home security systems, we also offer ADT Companion Service. So you can keep enjoying all the comforts of home, security and safety, with the knowledge that if you fall or have an unexpected medical emergency, ADT will be there to help.

Your personal help button comes in either a waterproof wristband or pendant.

If you have a medical emergency, just push your help button to be connected to a trained ADT professional through a 2-way voice intercom In the event you aren’t near your base station or phone, ADT will automatically call for help on your behalf

What makes ADT Companion Service Personal Emergency Response System better:
With a long-range capability of up to 300 feet*, your personal help button even works outdoors Your base station includes high and low temperature sensors that can send an alert if unsafe temperatures are detected in your home A test light comes on every 30 days to remind you to test your unit and make sure it’s working properly With four interconnected ADT monitoring centers across the nation, we’ll always be there for you Backed by the #1 name in home security with over 130 years of experience

Environmental Monitoring

Freezing temperatures that damage plumbing, bursting pipes that flood basement, and the presence of dangerous and invisible carbon monoxide gas are all critical conditions that affect many properties across the US.

Your professional installations specialist will be happy to go over any of this information with you when they come out to your home.

PRICE:ADT was named a "Best Buy" by Consumer Digest. It's tough to put a price tag on peace of mind, and you don’t have to with ADT.

Let me ask you this question:

- Approximately how much did you pay for you home?

- If you had to put a value on all "your stuff" what would it be?

- Approximately how much do you pay each year in homeowners insurance?

- Ok (customer name) looks like if we added everything up here were looking at about $____thousand dollars.

- One last question for you (customer name) how much do you spend each year on protecting your family?

All we're looking at here is a little over a dollar a day to protect your family. Doesn't that sound like something that would be a good investment?

Let me ask you this question:

- If you taped a dollar to your front door every day of the year, and everyday of the year someone took that dollar off your door, but he never came through your door. Would that be a dollar well spent?

Of course it would be. (Customer Name) that's all we're talking about here is a little over a dollar a day to protect your family? Doesn't that sound like a reasonable investment?


Why do I have to pay $99.00 if I have the equipment>>Great question, here’s why.

We still have to dispatch an installer out to your home. They are going to have to examine each piece of equipment to ensure that it is working properly.

If it isn't we will replace or fix your system (up to what is included in the package...3 Doors, Motion, Keyfob, Panel, Alarm, etc....)

After that ADT is going to warranty the system for the lifetime of your account. That means that if anything breaks we'll fix it either remotely by dialing into your system, or by sending a technician out to your house.

If we have to send a technician to your home you will only pay $25.00 trip charge because we are including our Quality Service Plan at no additional cost to you.

Equipment Price Range
Note quote the range. Prices vary by Authorized Dealer.
Door Contact: $75-$120
Window Contact: $75-$120
Master Keypad: $99-$250
Wireless Smoke Detector:$100-$230
Keyfob: $70-$125
Motion Sensor(80LB Pet): $100-$270
Motion Sensor (40LB Pet):$100-$230
Motion Sensor: $100-$230
Wireless Receiver: $100-$200
Wireless Glass Break:$100-$230
Carbon Monoxide Detector: $100-$250
Water/Flood Detector: $100-$175
Freeze Sensor: $100-$200
Siren: $100-$200
Panic Pendant: $80-$125